Supported Identity Providers

The list of supported auth mechanisms for RBAC

Generic OAuth

Any OAuth provider which is not of the list: Google, GitHub, Cognito.

Set up the auth itself first, docs here and here

Don't forget "custom-params.type: oauth".

        - provider: oauth
          type: role
          value: "role-name"


Set up google auth first

        - provider: oauth_google
          type: domain
          value: ""
        - provider: oauth_google
          type: user
          value: ""


Set up github auth first

        - provider: oauth_github
          type: organization
          value: "provectus"
        - provider: oauth_github
          type: user
          value: "memelord"


Set up cognito auth first

        - provider: oauth_cognito
          type: user
          value: "zoidberg"
        - provider: oauth_cognito
          type: group
          value: "memelords"


Set up LDAP auth first

        - provider: ldap
          type: group
          value: "admin_staff"

Active Directory

Not yet supported, see Issue 3741

       - provider: ldap_ad # NOT YET SUPPORTED, SEE ISSUE 3741
          type: group
          value: "admin_staff"


You can map Okta Groups to roles. First, confirm that your okta administrator has included the group claim or the groups will not be passed in the auth token.

Ensure roles-field in the auth config is set to groups and that groups is included in the scope, see here for more details.

Configure the role mapping to the okta group via generic provider mentioned above:

        - provider: oauth
          type: role
          value: "<okta-group-name>"

Last updated

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